So Bout of Books 8.0 has come to a close and it's time for the last update/wrap up. Bout of Books is definitely an experience I would recommend to avid readers. It has done wonders for my reading slump, and even though I read less then I thought I would it has rekindled my passion for reading. Which, if truth be told, was my biggest factor for taking part in the Bout of Books readathon in the first place.
An added bonus to this experience was meeting and interacting with new like minded individuals that I hope will now become friends. Since doing Bout of Books and filming my progress (badly) over this past week, I have discovered what a fantastic community the world of booktubers, book bloggers and avid readers are out there. It was an unexpected yet very much delightful discovery to make.
If you didn't catch my videos, here is my finally stats:
Books finished: 2
Books started: 4
Pages read in total: 1250
Books I aimed to finish: 6
Total pages I aimed to read: 2553
Number of back up books read: 0
Number of challenges: 2
Overall, not what I planned to accomplish but it is a lot more then I've read in ages so I'm happy. I will definitely be taking part in the next Bout of Books.