Tuesday, 11 February 2014


What is it?

There is a set theme every month and you have to read as many books relating to that theme as you can within the time frame given (a week).

Who started it?

I saw the announcement video on Alyssa from ACReads you can watch the video here.

What am I doing to take part?

I'm going to aim to take part in every months theme and try and read as many books as I can during the week long readathon. I will also be blogging/vlogging the weeks progress as I go. My BookTube channel is linked here. I will announce the books I'm aiming to read for the week in my months wrap up/ TBR posts/videos, as well as reviewing each book I complete on here. You can join in to by joining the #AYearAThon group on Goodreads here. And by vlogging/blogging your progress via your blogs/YouTube channels (if you have them).

Dates and Themes of #AYearAThon:

February 3-9: Harry Potter
March 3-9: Twilight
April 7-13: Re-readathon
May 5-11: Finish/catch up on a series
June 2-8: Rick Riordan
July 7-13: Classics
August 4-10: Middlegrade
September 1-7: New Adult
October 6-12: Stephen King
November 3-9: Fairytale Retelling
December 1-7: Graphic novels/manga

Let me know if any of you are going to participate!


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